Also, for an update... on Friday, Asher had his VCUG where they put a catheter into him and injected dye into his bladder to see if they could see what was causing his kidney problem. The test came back negative for reflux, so one possible cause is ruled out, but we still don't know what the problem is. He will have another type of test after he is over two months old. Thanks for praying!
Now, here are some pics of our cute boys plus a dual diddie change.
You have such cute little guys. I sooooo wish we were closer! I'm glad your parents can be there. Miss you guys. Coming to OR for Christmas???!! Ha, just kidding :).
We are sooo happy that the refulx came back neg! Malachi also has to have a VCUG to test for reflux. He was in the hospital for an entire week from a UTI. Poor little men! I to love blogging! haha
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