Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby Not on the Way

This morning we get at the hospital at 8 am, excited and ready to go. The nurses turn around and look at us a bit blankly and ask if we got the message on our phone. We hadn't, so they explained that they only had one room open and couldn't take me since I was to be induced. The room has to be saved in case someone goes into real labor, which of course, doesn't apply to me. So, they sent us away and said they'd call us if a room opens up. We are waiting around, trying to keep busy, but not knowing even if we'll get to go back today. One problem is that my doctor leaves on vacation tomorrow (Thursday) evening and didn't want to induce me past today. It almost seems sort of comical right now, but it really isn't. Please pray we can get in!


Michael and Jessica said...

I'm so sorry. That must be really hard. Praying that you can get in today, and that God will give you peace and patience in the meantime.... Love you guys, Jess

Carrie Spielman said...

Praying for you guys! We will definitely lift you up at group tonight! Let me know if I can help out with Liam or house stuff or anything!