Monday, April 6, 2009

Where'd Liam Go?

You know, as a parent, when you have one of those moments when you realize it's quiet, too quiet? You suddenly know your toddler is doing something that they shouldn't and their sinful little heart somehow quides them to be sneaky and quiet about it. We have had plenty of those experiences, Liam in the trash, Liam touching the TV, Liam playing in toilet water... and were expecting another such situation with the silence today. Happily, this is what we found... Liam cuddled up on Asher's bouncy, covered with a blanket, reading a book.


Beth said...

Arianna, you are so funny how you describe things...yay for Liam loving books and being good! ;o)

SIX Thirys said...

Awe! Now that's too sweet!